
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Grannies Love!!

My precious little Dannielle (photo of her where she was only 1 day old) was the first grand child on M's side. So she got a lot of attention and granny made lots of visits. She is not very healthy for the past 3 years. She is suffering from acid reflux she had many operations but still nothing helped her. Still that did not stop her of spending time with her grand daughter.

Her own daughter gave her lots of grieve during the years and she always said that I am the daughter she never had. They are not even fond of her husband that is as big as a whale and she is a tiny women. They came home one day to say that they are married they got married in court without nobody attending. Her parents were furious. She was addicted to Prozac at the time so we all wondered if she knew what she was doing. They tried to have a baby but due to his illness as a young boy he only has on testicle. They turned to insemination, that did not help either. So last year she fell pregnant naturally

Since she found out that she is expecting we were nothing (Danielle and I). I will phone M's mom no answer and no return call. Then later she and her mom will rock up at my house to visit Danielle. They went shopping together the whole day.
M's sister had her a baby about 2 weeks ago. I still try to make an effort to go visit M's mom but no luck no returned SMS or nothing. And when you drive past M's sister's house her car is standing there. Then I feel like shouting, I just feel that even if she visits there the whole day she can still just pop in to say hi to Danielle for 5min. We stay just around the corner of M's sister. I get told she is not well but then again she is fit enough to go visit her new grand daughter.

What can I do to let her know how I feel. Is she aware that she is neglecting her other grand child. I am not jealous I know that its her daughter, but I just cant understand that a granny loves one grand child more than another. I feel like crying, shouting etc. I just told myself that I will not make any efforts anymore. If she phones me to see Danielle I will make an excuse. I will make her feel like I am feeling know.

M's mom and I are very close (were) we did everything together. Shopping, walking the dogs, sharing secrets. She is a very dear old lady she wont even hurt a fly. We have never had an argument. We love each other dearly. But this past 10months is really getting to me.


At April 20, 2006 5:44 AM, Blogger Jay said...

I'm sorry that the relationship has slipped. Your daughter deserves to have as much as any other grandchild, but perhaps M's mom is making up for lost time? Still, I hope you tell her how you feel because you were there with her when the daughter was not. I hope you guys can become close again.

At April 20, 2006 1:14 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

So hard when thos ewe love let us down. Bet she will be able to spend time with you when her grandchild gets older and M and her start fighting again - its bound to happen.

At April 21, 2006 11:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The only certain thing in life is change. People change, time changes but I'm sure she thinks of you. Maybe she will feel guilty by ignoring the new baby so opts not to at all. Not a pleasant situation. The only thing you can do if you hear from her is to be gracious and not allow it to eat you up. You of course are the one who feels this and only you can change how YOU feel.

At April 25, 2006 11:01 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said...

I agree with Babs. Don't shut her out when she calls. I think that M's sister might be battling to deal with the baby and taking her past depression in consideration, maybe Granny is just being careful and watchful. I know how much she loves Danielle, so I say just relax, give her some time and I bet you that this is worrying you much more than it is Danielle. Granny will be back!!! They always come back.

At April 26, 2006 12:55 PM, Blogger whatalotoffun said...

Miss Jay - I hope so. I want to tell her how I feel its just I dont get the chance or I dont know how to do it without hurting her feelings she is such a nice person.

Tammy - I dont think they will have a fight soon she has cleaned up her act. Her mom told her she will disowne her.

Babs - Its so hard to make if nothing is wrong. Im just a very straight forward person I always say whats on my mind.

Buddess - I know she loves Danielle put she dont even phone to ask about her or to have her for the day. I am not jealous on M's sister its just the principal of the whole issue. She can make time for Danielle to

At April 26, 2006 11:29 PM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said...

Sounds like a tough time you are going through and times are especially tough if you feel neglected. I would say don't shut her out but try and get your point across at some stage.


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