
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The meaning of our Dreams!!

Dreams represent a fascinating alternate reality, and dream analysis is a fascinating subject for professionals and lay people alike. Many people feel that if they could just understand and take control of their dreams, all their real world problems would be solved. While this position may be a bit of a stretch, it is true that many issues in dreams have their roots in the waking world, and when these daytime issues are solved, so to are the dreams they sparked. When studying the fascinating and sometimes confusing world of dreams, it is a good idea to look at the symbols many other people have found in common dream objects.

We all have dreams that we don't understand or we wish that we did. Well I've been having two dreams for years now. The first one is water I dream about it a lot again last night. Its just water everywhere or I will walk with somebody and all of a sudden the water will start raising from the ground or BIG waves will brake on us put nothing happens we still stand on the same place. Some people say that water is good. But I have been dreaming about it for a long time and no luck as passed my way. The second dream is about my teeth, yes my teeth odd I say. I will bite into something and my tooth or teeth will brake into the gum. I literally spit the teeth out and a whole will be in my gum where the tooth was. That's freaky. Everybody got there own dream analyzing. And I'm not the superstitious type well just a little.

I had a dream ones about our neighbor's wife strangling her husband in our lounge infront of me. I saw his eyes rolling back in his eye sockets and his face turning blue. He did not even put up a fight. I was very stunt of my dream so I asked our maid what does it mean. She said that I will hear of death not neccersarily in my family it could be in my circle of friends to. Did not take much note of it. The Friday my cousins phoned me to let me know that one of our friends committed suicide last night. It only struck me about a half an hour later after our conversation what our maid said. That freaked me out. I never asked her about a dream again.

My mom dreamed about shit the one night. Sitting in it, tramping in it she said it was just shit. So she too asked our maid and she said she will hear of somebody being pregnant. So my mom could not figured out who the possible person could be. Most of the cousins were still in height school and the rest were married and just had kids. It was about a month after my moms dream that we heard it was my cousin in Grade 11.

I did a google search on what the meaning is about dreaming about teeth so if you have the same dreams Click here if you want to find out more about it. And to find out about the meaning of dreaming of water please Click here. Or would just like to surf around
to found some of your own dreams
Click here. Hope you all have pleasant dreams tonight.


At May 10, 2006 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I,m puzzled about a
dream, I go to:
On the page you will see
A-Z Dream Dictionary.

At May 11, 2006 7:50 AM, Blogger kyknoord said...

My favourite theory about dream interpretation dictates that the way a dream makes you feel is the key to understanding it - more so than the content. For example, my 'water' dreams are usually associated with a feeling of being swept away or helplessness and I usually have them when a lot of people are placing demands on my time.

At May 11, 2006 8:06 AM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said...

I agree with kyknoord. When I was a teenager and had time for such things, I kept a dream diary for dreams that I then 'analysed' according to the principles in a book that suggested writing down, in free form, anything that your mind threw up as you re-read the dream. No matter how odd or unrelated the information was. Free association, in other words. Afterwards, I'd read everything that I'd written down as 'instigated' by reading my drean - a lot of the dreams seemed to be related to everyday concerns even if about the most fantastical things.

Whether this is what dreams are all about or whether that form of analysis creates its own results which have nothing to do with the reason for dreaming, it does all seem to make sense.

At May 11, 2006 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don,t take all that dreaming
stuff too seriously, but when-
ever I dream of the colour
black (it,s a BAD omen -happen
ed before) and when I dream
of teeth and pooo --boy oh
boy!! there,s a muddy road
I believe it,s a personal

At May 11, 2006 11:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't dream much any more but I used to love to go to sleep so I could dream, I craved it. I often had dreams of being surrounded by snakes and I'd have to fight to keep them from biting me. They say, quite often that, serial killers and serious homicidal maniacs, etc., do not dream, thus they do not act out inappropriate actions in their dreams as most of us do but they carry it in to their waking hours. Interesting!

At May 11, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger whatalotoffun said...

Dragonfly - please give me your blog address would like to visit yours. Will go check the site out.

KN - I will keep that in mind. So I am not the only one dreaming about water.

Reluctant Nomand - That a nice idea to keep a diary but where will I find the time for it. As soon as I wake up I do rememver everything about my dream but when I think about it again its lost.

Babs - Well I do think theyre wrong your no serial killer ARE YOU?? LOL

At May 11, 2006 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry whatalot, I,m not a
blogger only a lurker, hee
But - I like to visit and
sing along.


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